
Find all maximal cliques in a graph represented by adjacencyList. The implementation is based on version 1 of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm [1].

[1]: Bron, C.; Kerbosch, J. (1973), "Algorithm 457: finding all cliques of an undirected graph", Communications of the ACM, 16 (9): 575–577, doi:10.1145/362342.362367.

in size_t[][] adjacencyList

Return Value

Type: auto

list of sets of nodes each representing a maximal clique


1 auto g = Graph!int([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
2 g.add(g.edge(0, 1));
3 g.add(g.edge(0, 2));
4 g.add(g.edge(1, 2));
5 g.add(g.edge(1, 7));
6 g.add(g.edge(1, 8));
7 g.add(g.edge(2, 3));
8 g.add(g.edge(3, 4));
9 g.add(g.edge(3, 5));
10 g.add(g.edge(3, 6));
11 g.add(g.edge(4, 5));
12 g.add(g.edge(4, 6));
13 g.add(g.edge(5, 6));
14 g.add(g.edge(6, 7));
15 g.add(g.edge(7, 8));
17 auto cliques = array(findAllCliques(g.adjacencyList()));
19 assert(cliques == [
20     [0, 1, 2],
21     [1, 7, 8],
22     [2, 3],
23     [3, 4, 5, 6],
24     [6, 7],
25     [9],
26 ]);
